What is RealTimeDataCollector Survey App & Website
RealTimeDataCollector Survey App and the Website
This Survey App and the website allow users to create their own needs-specific survey form or questionnaire and gather real-time stamped data in a spreadsheet format. With that goal, this app gives each Survey Admin Account holder a personal, secure way to capture, collect, record, and organize essential and useful data they need to run their day to day operations. The account holders have complete privacy and private space to keep and download their data in a spreadsheet format. The Survey Creators can decide if they want to administer an anonymous or a non-anonymous survey.
What are some usages of this app?
Everyday data that can be collected as it happens in one place, is very useful for business owners, sole proprietors, organizations, or other entities.
Small businesses may really benefit with this tool. They can create survey forms to capture data that many state and local governments are asking them to collect, all in one place.
Another potential use of this app could be that small businesses use it to create survey forms with questions that are accessible to employees only. They can educate the employees on new procedures or happenings and confirm that all employees have read and understood those procedures by submitting back the survey form.
Business owners can use this survey app for employee check-in and check-out. Employers can also use it to educate their employees with instructions on regular hygiene checks and safety protocols etc. and have a record confirming that the employee have read those instructions and submitted a signed survey with time stamped on it.
Health agencies, government agencies, schools, universities, survey or polling firms, marketing and media entities, social scientists, graduate students, anyone who needs data collection can use this platform to create their own needs-specific survey form. Their user base can fill out the form when needed and help gather real-time data all in one place.