Yes, we have an example survey we have created as part of the RealTimeDataCollector App.
- Download the App on your phone.
- Use the Access Code Health01 to begin the “Self-Track” personal health survey form.
- This health survey was created using the RealTimeDataCollector Survey App.
- It is anonymous and it does not ask users for any personal or private information.
- This free and anonymous data collection survey tool can help users record their own as well as their loved ones health symptoms in real-time: make informed decisions and get timely help by contacting their health providers.
- Users can then send an email copy of their record to themselves and be assured that their email is not retained by the App.
- In this “Self-Track” Health Survey, no user data is captured and retained by the Survey Admin Account holder or the App creators.
Please Note: ** This survey was created as an example and does not offer any health advice. **and